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A member registered Feb 04, 2019

Recent community posts

I'm so glad you decided to resume the project! This game has huge potential and I think you have great ideas.

Is there a discord channel for this game?

I took like 30 minutes to answer honestly and in what I hope is a helpful way to your form. Just please PLEASE whatever you do, take your time, but don't make this an endless "Early Access" "Patreon monthly release" project that goes nowhere. You have a good reputation, you finish your games unlike other creators... please stick to that! I send you a lot of love.

I will not address the elephant in the room about why this shouldn't be my favourite update on this game, but it definetely is MY FAVOURITE UPDATE! 馃榿馃榿 Thanks

This game is really good, if u ever going to finish it I will pay it even like a AAA lol